Why Use a Travel Advisor – inspired by #TWchats

I participated in a twitter chat yesterday about the benefit of using a travel advisor. I answered all the queries posed by  @TWtravelnews on their monthly travel chat on twitter, #twchats. While I was a little tardy posting my responses to the live chat, I thought after the fact that my responses kind of summarized who I am, and why I do what I do. I thought I’d share them here.


Q1: What three words describe your #travel niche? #twchats

A1: service, luxury, Disney



Q2: What is the most popular type of trip your clients are requesting in 2013?

A2: experiences not packages

yes RT @GAdv_Lucas: @jeannewmanglock Adventure travel is one of the fastest growing segments of the industry. #twchats #fact @gAdventures




Q3: Why do travelers need a #TravelAgent? 140 characters or less! #twchats

A3: hire a professional ow.ly/mQpS5

true RT @CPMichelle: A3: Why spend 4 weeks planning a 4 day #vacation when you can call a #TravelAgent who will do it for you? #twchats

I say advisor (putting focus on client, not supplier) RT @dvClicks: Q3 because agents are representing client’s needs not resort, air or…

yes RT @CSeddelmeyer: Q3-now more than ever, clients need a true advocate #twchats

yes RT @MargieTravels: Travel agents have knowledge of sales before they’re announced to the consumer. #twchats

yes! RT @CruzTravelLady: @CruiseBuzz  A3. To be their advocate before, during and after their travel. Not just an order taker. #twchats

yes! intuition not data! RT @Tauck_Chris: Q3 person, not computer, will help you create  truly memorable, life-enriching experience #TWchats



Q4: What are the most important qualities of a great travel agent? #twchats

A4: provides great value

I say PITA x2 ow.ly/mQr1v RT @CruzTravelLady: Q4: What are the most important qualities of a great travel agent? #twchatsbeing available and being a listener RT @Virtuoso: What are the most important qualities of a great travel agent? #twchats #VirtuosoWk

PITA 1 – saves you the pain in the a$# RT @CruzTravelLady: Q4: What are the most important qualities of a great travel agent? #twchats

PITA 2 – gives you pleasure in advisor – can VIP you, advocate RT @CruzTravelLady: Q4: most impt qualities of a great travel agent? #twchats

doesn’t take no for answer! RT @TravelBestBets: Q4. What are the most important qualities  of a great rebel agent to you? #TWchats




Q5: define ur role, +do u think it’s changed over the years? #twchats

A5: advisor (repres client) not agent (repres supplier)

dream orchestrator RT @cheriewei: @Virtuoso I use a Virtuoso agent to ensure my vacation investment will meet my standards #twchats

u drown in internet info RT @dvClicks: Q5 TA no longer keeper of all info but the source to sort through and find the right product #twchats

to safeguard their family memories! RT @Virtuoso: Why do travelers need a #luxurytravel agent? 140 characters or less! #twchats

yes RT @vacationshari: A5.  Building & keeping relationships are more key than ever. “Internet tells the PRICE of anything and the VALUE

just cause you can research on internet how to take out your appendix doesn’t mean you should! RT @jeannewmanglock: #TWchats





Q6: What trip have you booked that was most memorable — for you or for the client? #twchats

A6: surprise Disney trips






Q7: What technology tools do you use daily, and why? #twchats

A7: socmed – it’s how I connect w clients and suppliers







Q8. When you travel you always bring_____ along? #TWchats

A8: camera! cell phone!

1/2 clothes, 2x money. RT @Virtuoso: I always tell my clients to bring ____ with them on their travels. #twchats #VirtuosoWk





Q9: How do you welcome your clients home? Favorite form of follow up? #twchats

A9: postcard and call

phone call, email,welcome home postcard RT @Virtuoso: How do you welcome your clients home? Favorite form of follow up? #twchats #VirtuosoWk




Q10. What is your absolute favorite destination and why?…

A10: venice – you KNOW you’re somewhere different RT @TravelBestBets:




Q11: What has been the smartest question a client has asked you (and what was your answer)? #twchats

A11: why use a travel advisor? because I’m ur advocate +can VIP u @Virtuoso: What has been  smartest question client asked u #twchats #VirtuosoWk

why use me? pita x2 RT @TWtravelnews: experiential active travel RT @Virtuoso: #travelagents – most popular type of trip your clients are requesting in 2013? #twchats #VirtuosoWk



Thanks  @TWtravelnews and #twchats for giving me the opportunity to formulate my thoughts. It was great fun!


And I hope all those who wish to experience my services first hand will reach out!

Sheila Gallant-Halloran

[email protected]
