Where Last? (Big Rocks First)

 Let’s consider “Where Last?”
Does that sound a little odd for a travel blog?
I’m thinking a lot about priorities, lately, and the finite amount of time we all have to do the things we want. The former actuary in me certainly is very aware of life expectancies, and all of the things that can happen to prematurely affect the quality or the longevity of our lives. So, I’m combining that educational background with some life lessons. Time to not consider “where next” so much as “where last.” It helps focus the mind.
So, let me ask you ~ if you knew you could only do one more trip in your life, where would you go?
Where last?  What’s the one place that you’ve always dreamed of going? Where’s the one place that if you took suddenly ill, or life threw you a huge curve ball, that you would regret not seeing?
This week, I’m writing you from Vegas, where I’ve just attended VAST (Virtuoso Active & Speciality Travel) Globetrotting.
I’ve been doing my own form of globetrotting, having hit 3 time zones over the last couple of days. I flew from Corner Brook, Newfoundland to Ottawa, Ontario; changed suitcases, and then flew to Las Vegas for Virtuoso Travel Week.It’s been a whirlwind couple of days, but I’m most thankful for the fact that my Mom just got out of the hospital; and my husband is holding down the fort with my daughters.
My family has been hit this quarter with some extreme health issues (debilitating strokes for each of my mother-in-law, my father-in-law, and my godmother; along with my mom’s recent COPD flare up, and my husband’s MERS infection). All of the hospital visits have certainly focused the mind on the importance of good health. We all have “some day” lists. But we should have “where last” lists.  If you prioritize what’s most important to you, what’s the one place you’d always regret if you didn’t get to see it, then you have a concrete goal, and we can work together to make that happen.
It may sound a little morbid to focus on “Where Last,” but it is kinda like tackling the big rocks first. “Big Rocks First” is a concept that Stephen Covey taught about how we can all be more productive and accomplish more in our lives if we tackle the biggest things first.
So – watch this. Big rocks first!
And if tackling the big rocks first works for squeezing more rocks, pebbles, sand and water into a jar, it certainly will work with squeezing more travel, experiences, and memories into your lush life.
Contact me to get to plan your big rocks first. Let’s travel!
Sheila Gallant-Halloran