Travel Tips

Want some other bits of travel tips and advice?!
Here is a sample of some other client issues that I’ve assisted folks in dealing with or considering this week. I have a little prompt for you to think about too:
1.) I’ve had clients discover that their passports are expiring. Please check your expiry dates now. (And if you have kids under 16, give their expiry dates a separate check.) If you’re taking a cruise, having 6 months left after return date before your passport expires is always wise.
2.) I’ve had clients had some pre-existing conditions flare up. Please make sure your insurance will protect you if something impacts the common 90 day stability clause.
3.) I’ve had clients with elder-care issues . If someone under your charge has a health situation or emergency, how are (will) your travel plans (be) impacted?
4.) I’ve had clients sometimes book their own air. I do have a large international air desk behind me, so I can leverage my team of experts to help you. But, if you book your own air, please check that you have legal connection times, please check schedule changes, and please check the distance you have to walk from arriving to departing gates if you have a tight connection.
5.) I’ve had clients get ill on vacation. Please take precautions with your normal medicines, and plan for different things that can happen that might impact your enjoyment.
Work with a travel advisor to ensure you’re getting the best advice.
Contact me to help with your vacation.